bay surgery


September 16, 2022

Reasons to Choose Surgical Intervention for Reflux

Although we may have heard the term reflux often, most of us probably couldn’t describe exactly what it is. Maybe you heard about it with regards to a new baby, or you may have called the symptoms produced by reflux heartburn or indigestion. So what exactly is reflux? Bay Surgery in Tauranga finds that a lot of patients present with symptoms such as a burning sensation in the chest, or perhaps they may be experiencing a metallic taste in the mouth from time to time. While reflux commonly occurs after a meal, this may not always be the case.

Some Signs You May Have Reflux

Apart from the symptoms described above, there are a few other signs that you can watch out for as indicators that you may be suffering from reflux - the technical term is Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD). Some people arrive at Bay Surgery because they feel like food is getting stuck on its way down, they may have a sore throat or a cough that just won’t go away, or they could be dealing with recurring upper abdominal pain. These symptoms can be very uncomfortable, especially if you have just enjoyed a lovely meal!

Loss Of Enjoyment

Relief can be quite hard to come by as the oesophagus receives a backflow (reflux) from the stomach - largely acid juices that are supposed to be doing the work to break down your food. This condition can really ruin your enjoyment of life and can even begin to occur at times when you haven’t had anything to eat. Bay Surgery finds that around 20% of adults deal with reflux at some point during the week; some have a family history - or there may be an underlying medical condition or lifestyle factor.

Taking Back Your Quality of Life

If you have spoken to our Tauranga team about ways to reduce reflux, you will know that the first step is to try some lifestyle changes. A healthy diet, smoking cessation and reducing alcohol are great initial approaches. There are medications that might work for you - or you may opt for reflux surgicery called a Fundoplication which involves creating a mechanical valve by winding the upper portion of the stomach around the bottom of the oesophagus. The surgical team at Bay Surgery will be able to let you know which options will work for you after a consultation.

Taking back your quality of life is possible with the team at Bay Surgery in Tauranga. Get in touch to address your ongoing reflux issues - and start taking pleasure in food again.